So the last few days have been eventful. I had a wonderful weekend in Houston with my family and was bummed I had to leave on Sunday evening. I started feeling icky on Sunday and thought it was maybe just me being tired. To top it all off my flight was delayed nearly three hours. I didn't get back to LA until midnight and by this time was feeling worse. Long story short I had some type of food poisoning and stayed home from work on Monday and slept the entire day. I woke up for maybe three hours total the entire day and then went straight back to work Tuesday, so I am back now able to write a blog post! I decided to share a few pictures from my Houston trip. I spent the first day shopping with my momma in beautiful Rice Village! While it was hotter than you know what, I managed to get some great pieces for summer and fall! Saturday I spent the morning drinking coffee with my parents, running errands, and then spending the rest of the day by the lake. I got to see my favorite little nugget Kensley and catch up with old family friends. Sunday was a little more low key as we went to my favorite mexican place and then I had to go home (which was an adventure). While I might love living in SoCal, my roots are in Texas and I forget how lucky I was to grow up there, even if I complain about it at times. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far!
So until next time... Live Stylishly
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