This past weekend was one of the most fun weekends I have had in LA for a really long time. I had been hiking before in Malibu but had been craving to hike into the Hollywood Hills for months. I finally got to do it Saturday with a dear friend and I must say it was AMAZING. It's the perfect hiking distance, 3.6 miles round trip, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day in SoCal, 75 degrees to be exact, which made for the perfect hiking expierence. When we made it to the top of the mountain, it was seriously like so peaceful even tho there were tons of people around. Seeing he beautiful view of the city made me more sure than ever I am living in the right place and while I might be having a rocky time, its only going to get better! I recommend ANYONE and EVERYONE doing this hike if they come to LA or live here! Bronson Canyon is the best! AMAZING weekend after such a rough week! Check out my pictures from the hike below!
Gorgeous views, huh? So until next time... Live Stylishly